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 33x12.50x r15

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Straight off the lot
Straight off the lot

Number of posts : 33
Age : 38
Location : Leakey,Tx
Rig : 1991 Jeep XJ
specs. : 3inch lift spring and 2 inch spacer and block
Registration date : 2012-04-18

33x12.50x r15 Empty
PostSubject: 33x12.50x r15   33x12.50x r15 Icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012, 11:06 pm

i lookin for one tire for a spare dosent matter style or brand just would like to have a full size spare if anything happens to mine on the trail and also lookin for a highlift jack mine was stolen from the back of my tundra about a weekago while i was at work at my station big bummer jack was chained in my truck i guess someone needed it worse than i did.
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33x12.50x r15
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