Any of you great welders out there interested in building one? I'm in pretty serious need of a kayak trailer, but would prefer to have one that could also handle carrying gear out on the beach (think batteries, water, live well, etc.) and also work fine as an expedition trailer (think a week in the desert).
I have an old utility trailer that's not exactly grand that could either be used as a donor for parts/materials, or could be donated to the builder for their own purposes.
The primary capability is that it needs to haul 1-2 16' kayaks safely behind me, if we could get the trailer built, I could handle mounting the kayak gear... I'd like it if it had enclosed cargo area, that I could use for gear as well. I have some nice 17" wheels off an '06 commander that are 5x5, so they could be used w/ current tires, and I could upgrade them to 35's to match the jeep.
I can pay cash, just not a lot of it - the current models for sale (i.e. adventure trailers) are too expensive and would still need some serious work to keep the nose of the boat away from my spare, and also keep the stern from hanging off 10' off the back. I'm thinking swap-able tongues? One long one for the kayak, and one short one for back country explorations?
Well, if there's anyone with the skill and the interest, let me know =)